Infuse My Colour Shampoos
Infuse My Colour Shampoos
Infuse My Colour is a pigment infused shampoo that deposits selected pigment onto coloured hair stands. This line of products are 100% Vegan and 0% Silicone, Paraben, Sulphates and proudly 100% Recycled. Regular use of this product gives longer lasting colour, with each use building up tone on hair leaving hair shiny and feeling amazing. This product will not cover grey.
This colour enhancing shampoo is for anyone with light coloured hair that’s looking to add a hint of pink. This shampoo works instantly so no need to wait before rinsing hair. To build a stronger tone if required, shampoo 2-3 times as each time applied the colour pigment builds on hair. Shampoo can be used daily that would give a much deeper tone, always apply a generous amount to make sure all hair is covered evenly.
This pigment shampoo is for both blondes and light brunettes. A light blonde would have the gorgeous result of a charcoal grey tone, again use multiple times for a deeper tone. Brunettes and darker blondes that suffer from orange tones can also use to cancel out them unwanted tones. Graphite can be used daily always using a generous amount, this will NOT make your hair as dark as the colour looks in the bottle (black). If looking to maintain a soft grey tone, allow to fade before reusing.
Don’t be scared of this shampoo! This is an amazing shampoo for brunettes to eliminate orange tones from hair, especially at this time of year. Cobalt can also be used on light blonde hair to give a cute playful blue tone, again apply a further 2-3 to strengthen up tone if needed. Shampoo can be used daily and is a must to use on holiday where the sun likes to lighten and warm up brunette hair.
Ruby shampoo is great for anyone with coloured hair looking to add red or fuchsia tones to their hair. Using on blonde will give a pretty pink that’s great for a short term change of colour. This shampoo is also great for brunettes and when used regularly, will provide them with a gorgeous deep and rich magenta colour. Ruby also has the power to neutralise green tones out hair.
This pigment infused shampoo is for our blondes! It completely cancels out unwanted yellow tones and with regular use gives the hair an icey cool blonde tone without making hair have a purple tinge. It does both jobs of toning and leaving hair feel deeply conditioned and with that it’s a favourite within the salon.
Gold shampoo is for blondes that wants the warm, sun kissed shiny hair. This shampoo also has the power to add golden tones into brunette hair for ultimate summer hair goals. It will NOT make hair yellow, it only add these golden rich tones that lifeless hair lacks. Gold can be used straight after colour and is safe to use as a daily shampoo. When using, always apply a generous amount.
This shampoo is for coloured hair that wants to add copper tones. It won’t make hair orange but will give longer lasting results to warm brunettes that want to add a bit extra vibrancy to their colour. The power of copper tones for a brunette is it helps prevent fading in between colour appointment when using the shampoo regularly and it keeps hair looking amazing and shiny.
Head to our online shop to buy all your hair product necessities, including your shampoo, at the following link: if you can’t see the product you are after, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help you find what you need!